The film deals withs modren day relationship and how individuals today are lost in tarnslation of concepts such as commitments , acceptance and the ultimate leap of faith that love is .yes, drams characters comes accros as an extremely shallow person whose only aims to seem to be to score.his childish behaviuor at many junctures has been oddly treamed as his delhi attitude and thats sort of a turn off , generalizing all delhi leds like this .shrya on the other hand called to be french , who has indain parents .she is shown to have been brought up in a libral set up which is axcepted to be justification for her frank behaviour
Ranvit singh is an actor who manges to over shadows everbody on screen he is perfect as the irritatingly chidish and shallow delhi desperado . In terms of performance his opening scene is extremly poor but later he manges to keep u entertained with his goofy acts and promises a loughter ride .