Sometimes your expectations goes quite unexpectedly low, even though the quality content is there.Same has been the case with Begum jann.
Even after tremendous performance by its cast especially Vidya Balan and Ila Arun, still movie isnt at all impressing, as what we were expecting from its trailers.
Sybchronisation of present time with a flashback of story is the main failure, as audiences didnot making it our whats the exact message they are trying to deliever.Loud, untidy and nowhere standing story lines are making it as main disadvantage.
In 1947, India pakistan partition is the main surrounding lined up for this story, where a house of some prostitutes living together came on a line of border between two countries and for same housemates try their best to save them from politicians of that era.
Loud comprehensive bulky dialougues, somewhere they came as quite abusive and not in relation to the subject.Intrusion of unwanted situations, like a Holi song, fights between inmates not at all gets into relation with that current situation,
As mood of the story tells that previous trend for women in this country is same as what current scenario is prevailing.That is crime against women, their Rights exploitation, and much more is core off this movie subject, as what I have observed.Still movie lacks to bind audiences with this.
First Half is quite enagaged in synchronising previous and present time and quite abusive and bold dialogues and scenes will make you somehow interested in it.But its second half will be very obvious in your thoughts during interval of the movie, that how its going to be next and whats its going to show.
Ila arun as Amma made a great impact, her dialogue presence was very strong, other inmates like Gulabo, Ruby etc may inpres you at some of the scenes but loudness of their dialogues made their impact quite dominated under the same.
Vidya balan is a fabulous actress, no doubt, and in this movie as a head or main manager of this Movies brothel "mandi" with profound Hookah pipe in her mouth everytime and sometimes filthy dialogues may make you interested, but this isnt enough to make a considerable sense o the movie.
Naseerudin shah guest appearance as Rajaji isnt worth at all.
Music especially background score is quite impressive and goes alongwith the sense of the movie
But this movie is not exactly, what an expectation of such performers all together can be made by audiences.