I recently went to a new Chinese restaurant in Indiranagar. This place called Beijing Bites is an upmarket restaurant serving Chinese and Thai food. The ambiance is excellent and the place has a lounge like feeling to it. The food is mostly Chinese and some Thai dishes are also available. Although the vegetarian choice is limited, the food is excellent. The service is also good. The waiter was prompt enough to tell us that the thai dish would have coconut oil.
I know that not many people like dishes made in coconut oil and he was upfront about it. This was something I really liked since I have been to places where waiters dont correct obvious mistakes that patrons may make or dont tell that a certain dish may have a specific odour/taste/ingredients that most people may not be used to.
The restaurant is not very cheap(about 30% more expensive that usual Chinese joints), but if you want to enjoy excellent food in a very comfortable and swank ambiance, this place would fit the bill. Its the kind of place, I would take some one special. The restaurant is at he junction b/w 80 feet road and Jeevan bhima nagar main road. Opp BSNL/Reliance fresh.