“I solemnly swear on my perfect nails and my extensive range of nail polishes that I will get over Zayed Khan and that I will move on and not get in the way of him and his wife-to-be because that is just rude and selfish and a whole load of other things which I won’t mention because this sentence is getting way too long…”
Yes you read that right(as if I havn’t mentioned it enough in my last revu)! And I also promise to try not to mention his name is this revu anymore.
So, isn’t the weather nice today? Ok…so that’s a rubbish way to change the subject. But you know what a great way to get over someone is? Go to a party…
We all go to parties. I know it is a very general statement(especially if many of us spend most of our time gazing into the computer screen instead of out in the real world), but everyone has been to at least one party and will definitely go to more in the future. Parties come in all shapes and sizes – ranging from little Munna’s 5th birthday with oh-so(not) sweet kids and oh-so(toooo) sweet cake; to glitzy glam after-parties with drunk sticks.I mean, models and too loud music(which make our ear drummer’s drumsticks break into pieces).
Everyone seems to have loads of advice on how to plan and arrange parties and the whole hosting side of it. But not many people know that it is equally important to be a good guest. Guests are an extremely important part of parties…there wouldn’t be much of a party without them! So here are some paagal-proof fundas which have been tried and tested(not on animals.I’m all up for animal rights).;)
•Who needs a watch when time is on your side?
Typicality of all typicalities: Arriving late for a party. Loads of people do it, especially us desis! I have heard my mother numerous times say “Oh it says come at 6, but that actually means 7.” Surely there’s a reason as to why people even bother putting the time? It’s understandable if there’s traffic or work cropping up which causes you to arrive at a party late. But it’s always better to arrive on time, especially if you don’t really know the person whose party it is(imagine if that person turns out to be a Humbug twin). It never harms to be punctual, and it’s a good trait to maintain(and show off to someone you want to impress)!
So remember: *First impression is the last impression. There is an extent to which you can be fashionably late, and its not the only way in which to seek attention:P
•Hunger strikes!
You’ve probably heard about all this, but I’m going to repeat it in a propa boring style. Food is a party essential, be it snacks or a five-course meal. Be gracious and accept what is offered to you. If you really don’t want it then politely refuse. Just avoid being fussy and asking for something which they most likely won’t have. Don’t stuff your face(you won’t look pretty), and don’t take more than your going to eat(value food)! Have a drink if offered, but avoid getting drunk…(look at food etiquette revus for more information)
•Social life sorted…
You know science has all the answers? Here’s an equation for you: Parties= lots of people(known+ unknown)= socialise! Sorry if this sounds harsh but if you’re just going to go and sit in a corner, then why even bother going? You can sit in a corner at home can’t you? If it’s some sort of celebration, then join in with the fun and happiness. If you don’t know anyone, then make the effort to know them. You could stand at the door with your host, greet people as they enter and introduce yourself. You could entertain people in the kitchen with your wonderful tales of how you magically managed to turn your mum’s birthday cake into a black pile of ashes. You could entertain the little kids and score some brownie points. Parties are great to meet new people, and who knows, you may even make some really good friends…
•You’re sexy like pasta;)
Don’t get confused with this point and the one I made earlier…There’s a thin line between socialising and over-socialising. And draw it with fluorescent ink if you can’t see it! Yeah, I’m talking about outrageously flirting! If you’re the kind of person who doesn’t really talk much, then don’t worry about this…just focus on what I said previously. But if you can’t help going and chatting up any eye-candy within eye distance then there needs to be a level of…sophistication.
Guys: Avoid outright ogling at pretty girls. I suggest go and make sensible conversation with them(stay well clear of the cheesy chat-up lines!) and just come across as a good-natured person. You seriously do not want to make a total fool of yourself, or come home with a couple of slaps marked down on the history of your face…:P
Girls: Don’t wait for the guys to come and talk, its all about equality! I don’t recommend going up to Mr. buff ting and blurt out what’s on your mind(i.e. “You are sooo fit. Are you single? Can I have your number?”), but I’ve seen that happen first-hand…and it worked!
• Do I look pretty?
Dressing up is another part of parties. If you know that it’s a posh dinner party, then take out the time to look well-dressed and smart. If it’s just a casual party, then dress in that way. If it’s a fancy dress/ colour coded party then try to dress in that way. The hosts will be pleased that you listened to what they had planned! Oh and another thing…don’t try to look prettier than your host/hostess, especially when it’s their special day!
•Lend a helping hand…
Lots of people believe in the “mehmaan bhagwaan hota hai” idea. But just because you’re the guest, it doesn’t mean that you get to lounge around whilst other people are doing all the work. After all, gods do a lot of helping…
Carrying on from food, its good manners to put away your cups and dishes after finishing eating in a suitable place, and any rubbish in the dustbin. It also helps the hosts when they are clearing up. If it’s your best friend’s birthday party, then that gives you even more of a reason to help out! You could stay back just a little longer and help tidy away things. If there are children, then you could help look after them. Just a little help could give someone something priceless: happiness! And always thank your guests afterwards for throwing such a great party!
>continued in comments.>