With a very high expectation I went in for seeking the difference I love in
unusual experimental indian movies.
A good attempt to best make this film an unconventional one. This is how
they tried to do it.
Realistic BUT weird direction
Good BUT horror music..shoudnt have been thriller?
Psycho Characters ..to give a psychotic feeling through out.
English language!
Hindi gaalis/dirty words in English conversation.
But my question is why need to do so much when the story line is pretty
straight forward and predictable the moment you see young girl getting
married to an elder parsi righ man. Above all things go in vain when in
the end you know its a simple and just another murder mystery.
Unneccasary comedy sequences of Boman irani.. though he does it really
Thankfunny, Naseeruddin the legendry actor for me is again at his best.
Overall, nothing special in this movie.. It could have made in a simpler
way, may be atleast producers would have earned some bucks, rather than
trying to prove God-knows-what?
A true Psycho movie should remain psycho till the end. Background music
plays very important in any movie if it is there (best is not to have if
you are not sure what effect its gonna have on peoples mind and what they
get to see in the movie!) Music reminded me the scene in movie Black when
the little girl falls in a water tank ... she was making weird
face and yelling.. and to support that the background music was literally horror!
Failed attempt to make a psycho + thriller movie - with English tag.
In one line I would review it as,
Predictable Story line which doesnt go well with the music and psychotic nature of movie.