Being indinan one of the fastest growing gossip and madness fun activities channel in youtube. Channel has been active in since 23 August 2013 and his owner culture machine media pvt Ltd.Guys one of the best thing in his videos are madly but logical question that they ask publicly and whats public react on that topic that they recode and my god what a reaction public gives that amazing. And his host sahil khatter is fantastic his acting and comic timing is great at which moment he should react so public should feel more entertaining that he knows. And he ask the questions to people that also give you entertainment see every actor or comedian have his own cham or style of acting that give you out of the box performance, sahil khattar has that kind a performer. And I must say if you seen some of his videos you realized that ya theres something in him thats he gives such a amazing performance. I am his fan and as well as channel also which he has worked in. Seriously guys if you want to know that whats going on publics mind and what they think about it you must visit the channel. Friends this is my personal opinion and references if you guys like it hit the like button and any suggestions must write in comments box.Thank you.