An Interview is an important hurdle before one gets a job.It is the Interview that really determines if the person is really suited for the job or not.So a candidate has to take an interview really seriously and chalk out a plan as to how he has to handle it.And for that tremendous amount of mental preparation is necessary.And above all else a lot of attitude and grooming is required to face an interview.Those are the things that are highlighted in this review.But throughout the review I have mentioned the candidate to be a male but that dosent mean any kind of biasing.
A Successful Interviewee
A candidate who goes through an interview becomes successful not when he is selected for the job but when he is satisfied with his performance.Performance is not a situation where all questions have been answered but a state of mind where there is a satisfaction for having done what one thought of doing.This is possible only when one has put in that extra effort to perform.He should walk out of the interview room after his session with an attitude that says that if the company does not appoint me they are surely going to be the losers.But off course, if one is put in all possible efforts one has no chance to regret.
How to prepare for an interview?
Any performance becomes successful when the performer prepares for it.Conscious efforts have to be taken to impress upon a group of people, that the candidate is the best possible choice.This is possible when he feels confident to project himself as the best.
Physical Aspects
They say first impression is the best impression.Dressing neatly, combing the hair as it suits the face(never change your usual style if its neat enough), some necessary additional accessories would add up to the personality.Therefore, he should take care to present himself with the personality thatll influence the interviewer.
Intellectual Aspects
An interviewee has to have a minimum level of intellectual exhibition to impress upon the interviewer that he is capable intellectually of interacting with others.One has to show his cognitive resources to the employer ultimately.But showing doesnt mean exaggeration.It only asks for the interviewers to measure and assess various aspects of his intellectual capacity and decide whether he fits into the scheme of things.Therefore one has to become intellectually active by reading, studying and discussing various things that might prop up in the interview.
There is nothing wrong if the candidate is a bit nervous because it is a moment of test which will result either in success or in failure.But whenever he is nervous he is under a certain amount of emotional disturbance and hence, will not be able to maintain the composure needed to answer different types of questions that will be shot at him.Hence, he has to believe that he will surely get the job and that should this job not come his way, there will be plenty others.A sense of desperation can totally destroy confidence.Even when a candidate fails to give the right answer, he should say sorry and await the next question with the hope to answer it. If he has known himself and has a strong self-esteem , it makes his job easy, that is to be composed.
5 Golden policies to be strictly followed
1. Primarily, one should believe that honesty is the best policy.An interviewee who would try to lie or pretend is sure to be caught through cross questioning.And his dishonesty once established becomes not only a discredit but an embarrassment by which even the succeeding questions cannot be answered.When one is truthful he doesnt have to make efforts to remember what was said earlier.Honesty exhibits a great deal of authenticity.
2. An important and integral policy to be followed is to be courageous.He has to be courageous enough to tell the interviewer the he does not know the answer.This not only impressed the interviewers but also makes the person get relieved of the tension of not knowing and its consequences.
3. He should have a good sociable language.He should be able to use words like thank you, please, excuse me and sorry wherever necessary.This creates a relationship between the interviewers and there is a level of trust that starts working.
4. One has to avoid getting involved with controversies, especially those concerning communal or political subjects.An interviewee has to choose a mid path so that there is no conflict between him and his interviewer.
5. More important than what has been said above, is the need not to act very friendly while care is taken to be sociable.It is possible that the interviewers are very friendly but an interviewee has to remain serious and a sort of distance has to be maintained so as not to say or do something that may seem to be upcoming in a future employee.
Thus, preparation for an interview is as important as the interview in itself and that is what is highlighted out here.