Your mind is like a parachute, it works best when it’s open.
I get up at quarter to seven, leave home at eight, and arrive home at four every Monday, Tuesday, Wednesday, Thursday and Friday. That is because I am committed to go to school. Are you? If you’re one of those people who arrive to class late, maybe wag (naughty, naughty!) well then I think you should pull your socks up right this very instant, and hey I might sound like your mother but it is for the very best. Now this review that I’m writing is all about success and how it can be achieved according to my very high standards.
Miss Alaina now tell me how you define success?
Everyone defines success differently, but how I like to think about it is that you’re achieving what you are setting out to the very best of your ability.
- I realised all about mistakes when my dear friends said to me after I was one mark off an ‘A’ grade, “Alaina don’t worry, you learn from your mistakes right?”
MISTAKES, why do people dwell over that big ‘M’ word so much. The way I see it is that you learn from them. If you didn’t make mistakes then please someone tell me how on earth would you learn, what would you learn from? You need to recognise your mistakes, don’t push them away or hide from them, it isn’t anything to be ashamed of. You need them, mistakes are vital and they’re a part of everyday living. I rate mistakes as an extreme vital for success, I simply couldn’t live without them.
- Studying, oh yes I know that is your very favourite word. Face it guys you have to do it. The bigger amount of input the bigger amount of reward.
How Alaina studies:
-I go into my room where it is quiet. DO NOT TURN YOUR STEREO OR TELEVISION ON! If you are tempted to do this please remove them from your room, ( pretty harsh stuff huh?)
-Organise all the things that I need for example pens, calculator, rulers, paper, and textbooks. Do all this before you sit down so that you can concentrate properly without worrying.
-Now start studying. Oh yes very important, studying is not reading my loves. To study you have to register those terms and formulas by interpreting them, and the only way to do that is to do exercises.
Eg. In science say you were given in an exam the question
(Question) Use chemical formulae to express the following:
Sodium bicarbonate + zinc phosphate = sodium phosphate + zinc bicarbonate
(Answer) 6NaHCO3 + Zn3(PO4)2 = 2Na3PO4 + 3Zn(HCO3)2
Now to answer that question you would have studied by doing exercises similar to this very question. You wouldn’t just read and memorise the cations and anions (for those of you understand science). You would’ve sat down and done some of these equations as practise. See how practise makes perfect?
People say that it doesn’t matter what school you go to as long as you are committed. Well I totally disagree. Not all schools have good facilities, ongoing academic opportunities and dedicated teachers. If you’re teacher, professor isn’t giving you enough then confront them politely and ask them questions, that is what I do. It may seem a bit unusual but if it’s going to help you hey, what the hell, it’s for your own benefit, they are there to help you remember.
Set out a timetable when studying and don’t leave your room until you’re pleased with what you’ve done. And when you’re in class take a diary around it helps to remember what you have to do that night for studying and homework as well as keeps tracks of when things are due.
Health. Get heaps of sleep and eat healthy. If you’re someone who likes to have a snack here and there opt for fruit, crackers, water NOT cake, chocolate, biscuits, coffee. Also don’t burn yourself out by studying 24hours around the clock. Go for a jog, go to the gym or the swimming pool.
Priorities are worth looking over. It is perfectly fine to go out and have fun BUT not when your top priority is exams, assessments, assignments, essays etc. You have to keep on top of everything and if you don’t you’ll end up in a bit of a poo.
“Nothing comes on a silver plate these days” as my Dad always says. If an opportunity comes up TAKE IT!!!! I have taken many great opportunities at school and as a result I won a poster competition for a youth line from over 5000 entries nation wide, I also came second in a short story competition. The moral here is that if you take the chance you’ll soon be recognised.
Hanging out with the right people can also help you with success. They can be there to motivate you and give you a hand when you need one, they’re there to encourage. Hanging out with the wrong crowd can influence your decisions that turn you away from success. You become too involved about what they think of you and unwise verdicts are reached.
Competition, there’s always some of this. Everyone is trying to beat the other. In a way it’s good and in a way its not. What I say is don’t get too caught up in it, a little bit is all right. You got to compete with yourself at the end of the day.
EXAMS. Prepare, practise and stay cool calm and collected, then everything will be as sweet as honey. I promise you on that one!
Goals, desires and dreams. When you don’t feel that motivated think about your dreams and what you want. I do it all the time!! This way you’ll always feel that something will be waiting at the end of the rainbow for you, it’s up to you how you get there!
I thank all of you who have taken your precious time to sit and read this review. Perhaps this review is helpful to you, I hope it is.
I leave you with my final words “Go For Your Dreams”, (quoted by one of my teachers)
Comments are much appreciated