Hello every1,
i was really missin my schhol today. my holz r goin on n although I am enjoyin myself but, I do sometimes miss my palz, teacherz n everythin bout my skool. so, when I came accross diz category at MS today, I thought why not give it a try. so, here goes-
gone r the days when the very thought of this six letter word could give a student jitters. yup, welcome to GEN-Y where school iz coooool! nowadays, school is not just confined to studies n doin well in acadaemics, but, school has now metamorphosed into an institution which ensures the all round development of a child, which includes extra curricular activities, personality development, instillin proper ettiquets, etc. so, simultaneously the definition of a good student/ has also changed.itz not the cliched rulez n regulationz bout studyin, followin the rulez n regulations n respecting ur teachers. everythings changed! so, if u wanna be a succesful student in the current scenario, read on-
be a master of all trades- yup, in todays competitive life of which school is no exception, you not only gotta be good in studies, but, also stuffs, like-muzic or sports or dance...whatever, but, ya, some kinda extra curricular activity is a must n ya gotta excel in that too. so, itz like studies combined with hobbies n sports that can actually stop jack from being a dull boy
cant afford to be a mediocre- rality bites, huh? yup, but, itz true. school in a way prepares ya to face the outside world, so, pleeez don waste ur time by being ok-ok in thr stuffs ya choose to do. remember whatever ya do, give it ur best n be the best...your teacher will take care of the rest:-)
attitude -attitude matterz a lot! get rid of that loooser attitide, think positive n be optimistic.if ya always have the right kinda approach towards a thing, nothin can stop ya to achieve it. suppose ya fear a subject(like the dreaded big m-maths) , don loose heart n never give up , try n keep tryin k...
open up wid ur teachers- our teachers- our gurus in life. well, the kinda relationship that ya should share wid them iz like- it should be casual.ofcourse, ya should give them the respect they deserve, but, your respect should not give rie to fear. any time ya have any probs, go ahead n communicate. talk ur hearts out wid ur teachers. don waste ur precious time in misunderstandings n grudges. feel free wid ur teachers, cuz they know exactly how we feel. they understand us!
hardwork, dedication n concentration- these are a few factors that r never goin to loose their value. at last it is a students hardwork, his dedication n his concentration in his work which actually makes him a succes at school. itz not bout how much ya study, but, itz bout the quality time ya put into studyin or other activities that actually matter. give everything ya do- your 100 percent n ya will surely get back the 100% as the result.
so, in the end all I wanna convey to the school goin ppl thru this review is that theres not any particular mantra 4 success in school. the way to get success is thru combining all the above factors well. do give it a try. im sure it will work out 4 ya. best of luck!!!
a lil bitta advice cum thought 4 ya:-
in the game of life,
aim is the prize.
the one who wins,
is the one who tries!
so, go ahead n be a star of ur school.