It is a Racing Bike designed in higher range with general suspension and power. Though it is a racing bike, it has good pick up speed but after pickup there is control on the bike. It consumer more fuel so average shown by company more but actually it is less. Fuel is petrol and bhukhe designed with 250cc at this price. In market there are many other sports bikher has launched comfortable and affordable with quality. So this bike unrecommended to purchase. I took long ride and I found it uncomfortable for long distance traveller. If you are a racer donot go for it. This bike cost 1.5lakh. Me and my friends, most of us have tried this bike and none of them found it good. Actually the bike cost more and gives less, so unaffordable. Colour patterns in this are okay. I rode it for the first time and I am not impressed. It will disappoint you do dont go for it.
Design is good but not comfortable. If you are looking for sports bike then i’ll suggest you to go for any other bike available at good price with more features. It is only a investment in wedding direction. It is not Reliable. This vehicle needs maintenance. Maintenance of vehicle increases their life. Washing and cleaning requires for every vehicle as maintenance.maintain it and keep servicing for 500-1000kms. of ride. Tank capacity is 7litres. This bike doesnot weigh much. Though new model has new performance but doesnot mach the need and priorities.
5gear and smooth cluch makes this bike quite effective. 250cc engine designed that works with good performance allow bike to run at 9000rpm. Tubeless tyres with grip.This bike can be used by people who dont prefer road but hilly area. doesnot suit in colleges and work places. It requires higher safeties so that is the major part that requires anybody to drive. People who prefer dirt bikes can only go for it.