Have you ever eaten Paper Bhaji? You must. Actually, today we stopped at Bengali Sweets in Bengali market(Delhi) to have our dinner. One of my friends ordered Pao Bhaji. I was almost through with my thali when this friend of mine realized he just can’t chew his pao bhaji. He took this bite out of his mouth and realizes one of the ingredients in bhaji was pieces of paper. We were curious and asked the waiter if we have ordered Pao Bhaji or Paper Bhaji. Waiter promptly apologized and offered us a new platter of Pao Bhaji. But call it my friends luck this platter of bhaji also had paper in it with scribbles on it. I took the paper to the owner to ask for an explanation. But the owner couldn’t care less. He seemed rather happy with his new dish.
So, please do go ahead and enjoy paper bhaji only at Bengali Sweets in Bengali Market. Fiber is good for your health.