I decided to buy Berger paints for painting my farm house, the painters also recommended me berger paints as they trust on this paint brand, but berger paints broke our trust.
I went to the hardware store to buy berger paints and I was choosing which color to bring but unfortunately their range of colours is very less, they just have 5 to 6 colours, finally I choosed the one colour and bought it with rupees 10, 000 .
When my painter completed the painting of walls and ceiling of farm house, after 2 days I went there and I saw that tge paint was still wet. It took the paint 5 days to dry and that is a long time normally.
But everything was ok till a week after the paint was dry, but after a week, the paint began to crack and get out of the walls and that hurted me a lot,
My money was wasted by berger paints. I was disappointed.