I odered a set of 3 shawls in? 999/- after watching the promotion of that product on cable tv, which includes 2 ladies shawls, 1 gents Loi and a stole as free gift.
First at time of order they told me to deliver that product in 8 to 10 business days but I got my order after 15 days.
Second the quality of the product was absolutely third class. It was not even 50% of that product which shown on promotional program on cable tv. After a little research, you should get lot more better than that product in less price from your local market or any hand cart vendor.
Third when I call at there help line number, the executive told me that they dont have any replace or refund policy. And they way of talking of the staff was very rude.
I bought that to gift my mom but the complete experience of shopping with them was turn into big disaster for me.
I herbly request you all to dont buy anything from that platfrom and save yourself from bih headech.
Thank you
Ankur Agarwal