A humanoid alien ( Aamir Khan) lands on Earth naked on a research mission in Rajasthan, but is stranded when the remote control of his spaceship is stolen. He manages to get the thiefs cassette recorder, a National Panasonic RQ-565D. On the same day inBruges, Jaggu ( Anushka Sharma) meets Sarfaraz ( Sushant Singh Rajput) and falls in love with him. Jaggus father ( Parikshit Sahni) objects to their relationship because Sarfaraz is a Pakistani Muslim, while Jaggu is a Hindu. He consults godman Tapasvi Maharaj ( Saurabh Shukla) who predicts that Sarfaraz will betray Jaggu. Determined to prove them wrong, Jaggu proposes to Sarfaraz, who accepts. She is heart-broken at the wedding chapel when she receives a letter calling off the marriage due to their cultural differences.
Jaggu returns to India and becomes a TV reporter. She meets the alien and is intrigued to see him distribute leaflets about the missing Gods. She saves him when he attempts to take money from a collection box, earning his trust.
The alien tells her that he is a research scientist from another planet. His people know nothing about dressing, religion or verbal communication. They transfer ideas by holding hands. The alien learned to fit in among humans by wearing clothes and using money stolen from couples having sex in dancing cars.
After being accidentally hit by a truck, he is befriended by bandmaster Bhairon Singh ( Sanjay Dutt) , who takes him along with his troop. The alien attempts to learn to communicate by grabbing peoples hands but people chase him away, believing him to be a pervert. Bhairon takes him to a brothel, where the alien holds a prostitutes ( Reema Debnath) hand for six hours and thus learns theBhojpuri language.
Bhairon has a conversation with the alien, and suggests that the thief may be in Delhi. The alien leaves for Delhi. Due to his strange behavior, the people assume he is drunk and call him PK ( pee-kay, Hindi for drunk) . People tell him that only God can help him find his remote. PK sincerely practices everyIndian religion attempting to find God, to no avail. He later discovers that Tapasvi has his remote, who claims it was a gift from God. Tapasvi refuses to return the remote, and claims it was a gift from God. Jaggu promises PK that she will recover his remote and he can go back home.
PK conjectures that Tapasvi and other godmen must be dialling a wrong number to communicate with God, and are therefore advising the public to engage in meaningless rituals. Jaggu encourages the public to expose fraudulent godmen, by sending their videos to her news channel. This wrong number campaign turns into a popular mass-movement, to the dismay of Tapasvi. Meanwhile, Bhairon finds the thief and contacts PK, informing him they will come to Delhi, but both die in a terrorist attack. The terrorist attack is later declared by Tapasvis group to be stated as protecting their Gods.
Tapasvi decides to confront PK on-air. Tapasvi asks PK what the right number is. PK says the God that created us all is the only one we should believe in, and that the other duplicate Gods are created by man. Tapasvi argues, saying that PK is trying to take people away from their Gods and that they will not stand for their Gods being taken away from them either. He claims he has a direct connection to God and refers to his prediction of Sarfarazs betrayal to try to prove that Muslims are liars, but PK disagrees. PK realizes that Sarfaraz did not write the letter. Jaggu contacts the Pakistani Embassy in Belgium where Sarfaraz worked part-time. The embassy tells her that Sarfaraz still loves her, and transfers the line to Sarfaraz, who is now living in Lahore. Jaggu and Sarfaraz reconnect, and Tapasvi is forced to return PKs remote, while also being exposed to the whole of India that he had planned to break Jaggu and Sarfaraz through his predictions.
Meanwhile, PK has fallen in love with Jaggu, but refrains from telling her because she loves Sarfaraz. Having filled multiple audio tapes with her voice alone, he takes two suitcases full of tapes and extra batteries when leaving for home. After his departure, Jaggu publishes a book about him.
One year later, PK returns to Earth on a new research mission on human nature along with several other aliens ( including one played byRanbir Kapoor) .