I am extremely upset and pained to see this serial. How can anyone demean women to this level? The lady (Savitri) who is the first wife and her 4 daughters take every insult in their stride and still dont open their mouth. Are these daughters not sent to school or they illiterate (dont look like they are uneducated from the way they dress up). If they are educated, why cant they just take their mother and get out of the house.
The second wife Menaka (vamp) is an ugly scheming woman along with her brother does not bother to enquire what her son (yuvraj) is upto. He indulges in stealing, visiting brothels and doing all sorts of wrong things.The buas (two sisters) are another set of ugly women who have no work but to make faces at the elder bhabhi and her daughters.
The old woman (baa) does not realise that she herself is a woman and keep taunting the eldest daughter -in-law for delivering only girl child. Overall this serial is really disturbing me and I really want to shout at the producers and director of this serial to stop this nonsense.