I have been bitten by theinteriors bug for years now and am always on the lookout for high qualitydesign literature in the Indian context. My quest was more than met when I readBetter Interiors for the first time last year. And when I sayread, I actually mean the word in the literal sense because a majority of us only end up glancing through thevisual treat a design magazine serves.Better Interiors, on the other hand gives a delightfully balanced and superbly packaged combo of great Photographs and wonderfully worded text.
The magazine is highly content rich and because of the way information is packaged, it appeals to both professional architects as well as to a layperson interested in knowing about the nuances of good design. I tried comparingBetter Interiors quality with the veterans in its field such as Society Interiors, Inside Outside et al and found it to be way ahead in terms of content quality and coverage. One area where they can probably focus more coverage is on international design features / best practices and innovative usage of technology in the area of Interiors.
And you know what the best part is, I wrote to the Editorial Team of this magazine and got a wonderful warm and prompt response from them.made me feel really valued as a reader
This magazine, through its sheer excellence in presentation has raised the standards for other design magazines to follow. I would highly recommend it to anyone who has a knack for good design and would love to refurbish ones own home or workspace to be a subject of envy for others. Way to Go!