I guess a lot has been told about the story already.......a had-been-actor wants to revive his career by being part of the remake of the old TV serial, Bewitched. The serial was about a man Darren who ends up falling for a female, Samantha and marrying her, realising later that she is a witch.
In the movie, the hero wants to cast a nobody to play the role of Samantha so he can hog the lime light. In comes Nicole Kidman who incidentally is a witch trying to give up witchcraft.
Sweet story.....but if u miss the movie....no sweat. U wouldnt have missed much. Go home n watch the actual show at 1200hrs on Hallmark channel....that could still be more fun.
I guess a must see for the Nicole Kidman fans but why she signed this movie is beyond me......I guess the basic temptation of money still remains!!
The director seemed a bit confused on whether to show loads of witchcraft n spells or stay clear so he ended up doing the same scenes twice with both options being played one after the other!!!
Unfortunately for me, I got stuck somewhere n missed the first 25-30minutes of the movie but didnt look like I missed much.....coz I was still able to catch up very easily with it. So thats the storyline for you!! What crucial stuff they covered in that 1/3rd portion of the movie is beyond me. Probably, the only thing I missed is an understanding of how Nicole fell for the hero.....I actually kept thinking that there must be some other guy whose entry I might have missed and will come back to the screen....but.....