Bewitched was one of my top 3 favorite shows to watch when I was a kid. I enjoyed this movie. I think the preview trailers for the movie may have led some to believe the movie was going to be more "magical" than it was.
Ive read a couple of the other reviews and I agree with some of the comments, but I think I went into this without the preview trailers in mind, not really having any particular or specific expectations -- maybe just thought it would be like a prolonged episode. I enjoyed the casts performance overall and thought they were chosen well for these roles, with the exception of the role of Darrin. I think the plot and content were in the same playful spirit in which the sitcom was made. I enjoy Nicole Kidman as an actress and I do think she captured the personality of Samantha quite well, in my opinion.
Darrins character, however, could have been better cast. Will Farrell did okay, but Im not a huge Will Farrell fan, and it seems as though the role was written more for Will Farrell than for the purpose of depicting the true Darrin we all know and love.
I would definitely recommend this movie to anyone who remembers the old show, to at least rent and see once. I would pay to see sequels to this one, especially with the right actor cast for Darrin!