There are very few shows on TV that have a scale as impressive as a movie beyhadh is one of them.While watching it you cant help, but admire the grandeur and the gloss.Also it is a visual treat giver to the kind of actor it has-Jennifer Winget, Kushal Tandon, Aneri Vagani. Beyhadh which premiered on Dusehra, October 11, is a romantic triller and chronicles the lives of Maya(Jennifer Winget), Arjun(Kushal Tandon) and sanjh(Aneri Vagani). The first episode began with ganesh chaturthi and shows sanjh and arjun as best friends.They both are close to each other, yet share different dreams.Jennifer Winget steals the show with her silent yet stoic act.She does justice to the role and creates mystery around this woman, making you want to know more about her. Aneri is convincing in her part she makes her character relatable and comes as a breather on the show. Kushal Tandon is a hero in his part, but we would like to see him more as an actor. He plays it cool on the show though. It is the actors that render the show the enigma that it has. Beyhadh has just begun. It looks promising so far.And it remains to be seen how Maya will transform and how her love will become so beyhadh that it crosses all boundaries of rationality.