The show airs on sony entertainment television from monday to friday 9pm to 9: 30pm.
This show has come up with a really different storyline.The character played by Jenifer Winget ( Maya) is a psychopath who has fallen for a guy ( Arjun) played by Kushal Tondon . And unlike all the other daily soaps sanskaari bahu or lead female protagonists we can say, Maya doesnt always choses the right and the ethical path.Many a times she has gone out of a logical way to put things according to her will. Because all she wants is Arjun to be on her side and in her life, by hook or by crook. She cant stand anyone else in Arjuns life other than herself, be it Arjuns mom or his childhoods best friend Saanjh ( played by Aneri Vajani)
But somehow the show has also managed to showcase all the other aspects like a love triangle, friendship, suspense, drama, romance alongwith the female protagonists crazy and dangerous love for her husband.
But yes, many stones are yet to be unturned on the show like Mayas fathers murder case and mayas moms health condition which is running with the show and keeping the audiences stick to the serial.