Bhabhi Ji Ghar Par Hai! is a hindi drama comedy show telecasted regularly on "& T.V". The show is set in Kanpur , where two neighbouring couples life is shown. Manmohan Tiwari who is a successful undergarment businessman and Vibhuti Narayan an insurance agent.
Manmohan Tiwari has Angoori Manmohan Tiwari as his simple wife and Vibhuti Narayan has Anita Vibhuti Mishra ex-beauty queen as his wife. The show shows how the men from both the families flirts with each other neigh-borers wife & how they every time in different ways tries to impresses the neigh-borers wife in different ways in different ways & feels happy about the same. Its a nice timepass family drama comedy show.
It connects its audience & every time it gives something new interesting topic to it audience to think upon & laugh as this is what happens in reality ;). It always shows how men are always interested in other women as they feel for their wife as "Ghar ki Murgi Daal Barabar" & at the end they end up loving for their own wife more & how they go so possessive when someone else tries to impress their women. over all its a nice Family drama show. I liked this show it makes me laugh so loudly & the way it is presented is actually very funny... :D