Bhabhi is the story of Saroj, a bride who finds her life changing drastically the minute she lifts her bridal veil.
The newly-married Saroj, her face hidden beneath her ghunghat, sets out with her husband, Dr Prakash, to his place. Accompanying her is her sole blood relation - her elder brother.
An unfortunate accident with another vehicle carrying a marriage party renders her unconscious. Hours later, as she recuperates in the warmth of her husbands home she realises that the man she is with is not her husband. There is no trace of her Dr Prakash and her brother.
Saroj learns that the family she has come to - including her husband - have never met their bride face to face. She is mistaken for a girl called Pushpa - the girl that everyone thinks Tilak has married. When Saroj reveals her identity to Tilak, he is aghast. He realises that at the accident site, having never seen his Pushpa`s face, he brought the wrong bride home.
As the two decide to reveal the case of mistaken identity, a crisis arises. Unable to accept the death of her husband in the accident, Tilaks mother falls ill. Tilak pleads with Saroj not to tell his family right away that she is not his bride.
Saroj is forced to assume the mantle of the daughter-in-law and give solace to Tilaks mother. She manages to save her life, but is devastated at her loss. The adulation, love and total acceptance from each member of the family numbs her so completely, that she decides, for the moment, to accept her position as Pushpa bhabhi.
Both Saroj and Tilak know they are treading a dangerous path, but are helpless in the face of circumstances. She plays her role to perfection, because of her innate sense of goodness. Inwardly, though, she is devastated about the separation from her real husband and brother