Hello friends,
We chose this hospital for the delivery of my Baby. We visited this hospital on 20th of October 2017 around 12:30 AM, as my started feeling labor pain. That was Depawali night. They admitted her at 12.58 AM. After admitting they tried for Normal delivery, but my wife was adamant on having a cesarean delivery. So finally, doctors had to perform cesarean. Even after delivery, Doctors were not happy with my wifes decision and were suggesting that she should have gone for Normal delivery. They discharged my wife on 22/Oct/2017 at 12.28 PM.
Total bill of mother was Rs.32000. Out of which I paid only Rs.1774 as rest was covered by Medical policy.
So, few things were positive, like, they were adamant on normal delivery, which was opposite to the common notion about hospitals, also, they performed delivery at 2 o clock in the Depawali night, so, one can rely on the hospital in case of emergency, they charged Rs.32000 for cesarean delivery, which is quite economical as compared to some of the top private hospitals like Fortis, Medanta, Cradle, which charge around Rs.120000 for the same.
Now come to baby care. After delivery they immediately shown baby to us, specifically the genitals to confirm that it is baby girl. They Mentioned, gender, date and time of birth and weight at the time of birth, of the baby, on a paper along with foot prints of the baby. They assigned a specific tag no. baby. That was mentioned on the paper, and also on the band in babys wrist. That tag no. was the unique identity of the baby. After showing baby to us, they told us that baby was suffering from some breathing problem, and had to be shifted to NICU. After, few hours they, handed over the baby to us. On 21st, they told us that baby was suffering from some infections and it had to be shifted in NICU again. On 22nd they told us that there was blood in babys stool. They kept the baby in NICU from 21st to 25th of October and on 25th they advised that baby needed to be kept in the NICU for 4 to 5 days more, but we refused to do so and opted for LAMA( Leaving against medical advise) and took our baby home. At home, we continued the antibiotic which were being given to baby in NICU. After completing the antibiotic course, we again got the baby tested for the infection, and test report showed that there were no more infection in baby. Also, since we brought back the baby home, there were no blood in her stool.
Total bill of the baby was Rs.64848, out of that I paid Rs.2080, rest was covered by medical policy.
Now, as far as baby treatment is concerned, instead of NICU, baby could have been kept with mother, on antibiotic.
also, after discharge of baby, when we went to the hospital next day for antibiotic injection of the baby, they refused to provide any service.
what I perceive from the whole incident that, this hospital kept my baby in NICU, to make a big bill, as they were aware that my baby was covered with the medical policy. For their earning, they play with the emotions of the family members, induce fear in them.
Infrastructure, Medical care wise, this hospital is good. But, for earning money they can magnify the problem, they can induce fear inside you and can take advantage of that fear to increase there earnings.