On 2015 March suddenly due to stomach pain, I was admitted to Bhagat Hospital. Doctor Ravi checked and found growing appendix then he suggested for immediate surgery. All health check was done in one hour and sent me to the operation theatre. No one was with me except my wife but the hospital staff and doctor strengthened us. The operation was done successfully, Dr. Ravi was talking to me during surgery, I was frightened and worry due to loneliness but they encouraged me.
They applied local anesthetic so I could see everything.But I could not feltl pain during surgery . Once surgery was completed they put me in ICO for few hours . The other staff was also very helpful, they helped me in case of bathroom and all other personal activity . Still I remember one old aged nurse who came and wash my face while I was on hospital bed. For a moment I remembered my MOM.
When I informed my friend before surgery he said Bhagat Hospital is not a good hospital but after having appendix surgery by Dr. Ravi I cant say that is a bad hospital.
Hospitals and doctors who are really standing taking a service mentality are always good. So personally I suggest Bhagat for surgery and any other treatment .
Thank you.