Bharat Biotech International Limited is an innovation leader and a multi-dimensional biotechnology company, specializing in product - oriented research and development, manufacturing and marketing of vaccines and bio therapeutics. Founded by eminent scientist Dr. Ella Bharat Biotech International Ltd., was established in the year 1996. In a short span of less than 20 years, the company has 20 products in the market and about 50 patents showcasing innovation and dedication of the team.
The Company’s inline portfolio contains vaccines for Hepatitis B(Revac-B®), typhoid fever(TYPBAR), Haemophilus influenza(BioHib®), Polio(BIOPOLIO®), w-Pertussis, Tetanus(Comvac4-HB®, Comvac5®, Comvac3®) Rabies(INDIRAB®), Japanese encephalitis(JENVAC®), Rotavirus(ROTAVAC®) and typhoid fever(TypbarTCV®). The bio therapeutic line of products comprises of BIOGIT®, REGEN-D®, SLVRGEN® and ZELECT®.
With a wide ranging portfolio of innovative products and technologies, Bharat has revolutionized the vaccine manufacturing industry and is committed to ushering equality in health care and providing affordable, efficacious and safe vaccines. Through its focus on “Mission 7 Billion”, the organization is striving relentlessly to develop and manufacture affordable vaccines against preventable infectious diseases prevalent across the world. The product range has so far reached more than 75 countries in addition to all regions in India with a total of 2 billion vaccine doses having been successfully delivered so far.
Quoting the words of the Chairman & Managing Director Dr. Ella on the “Mission 7 Billion” - “Our mission is to address the health care needs of emerging markets, drive innovation, and be a front runner in research and development of new vaccines and bio-therapeutics”.
Bharat Biotech is continuously engaged in research and development of vaccines and other biologic products that have been successfully demonstrated to be safe and efficacious in well-designed clinical trials. These vaccines have been validated to confer protection against globally prevalent diseases. The company has also pioneered the development of novel products to combat emerging diseases of the developing world, that are now turning into a global burden e.g., vaccine for chikungunya fever and malaria. Ongoing work is also focused on developing vaccines against neglected diseased and many other products to meet the gaps in health care interventions.
Bharat Biotech takes pride in developing and introducing innovative products that are developed with indigenous technologies developed by Indian scientists and validated in well-designed clinical studies in the Indian populace. Vaccines for Japanese Encephalitis(JENVAC®), Rabies(INDIRAB®), Rotavirus(ROTAVAC®), and Typbar-TCV® are few such examples.