What a lovely school! I joined this school in 7th class and the memories I have made are still fresh. The school is entirely CBSE syllabus based and you study with students from all over the country! The exposure you get is incredible. A typical day at the school is morning wake up at 5 Yoga, Exercise, Jogging and some sports till 7. Everybody is ordered to drink milk(PS: they check your cups) and then get ready for school. As usual classes from 9 - 3:30 with an hour lunch break in between. After school they teach you swimming, horse riding, hockey( Our PT sir was a State level Hockey Player) etc and then followed by study hours till 10 with an hour dinner break in between. They keep you occupied the entire day; teachers who teach are well experienced and you hardly find people of your native; so you have to keep speaking in the common language; that way your communication skills develop. Then comes the weekend; we had 4 groups with captains, vice captains and every weekend one group had to perform and entertain us(saturday nights were so much fun!) we can join NCC in 7th class if we are interested; they take you to camps where you are trained; given tasks to perform and at last you have to write an exam to get a certificate. We never had the chance to watch TV so our teachers were very cooperative that they used to invite all the students to their homes which were in the campus itself and all of us used to watch a newly released movie. Seeing the plight of the students; the school started airing movies in an open air auditorium atleast once in a month. Lovely days you see! So this sums up everything what exactly this school was!