This is about privilege matrimony. I will keep it to the point:
Charges - 15, 000. Time - 12 weeks - 48 leads
There is a world of difference between what is promised at the marketing department and what is delivered after the payment.
- Marketing: They will come up with profiles which are not visible normally. They are named with PR prefix and is not available to the normal people - False
Service: These profiles are the same and are searchable by any member. PR is an additional profile they create for the same users. You may as well search yourself.
- Marketing: We will discuss each profile and make the two parties meet, we will try and understand the requirements.
Service: There are executives sitting, who will devote 5 minutes of their time on you per week. They will send you 4 profiles per week. If you like any, they will call on number provided. If they dont pick up, you lead is wasted. If they pick up, they will suggest you are interested. If they say yes, the person will ask you to call them. There is no discussion of any sort. It is one phone call from the customer relations to the other party phone no. But ultimately it is your responsibility to call and take it forward.
- Marketing: We will extend offered time by 20 days because this time is not considered right for matrimonial talks.
Service - We do not know who you talked to. We are not responsible for anything. 12 weeks, 48 leads is what is our commitment. There is no other commitment that we have. If you are interested, we will call. If they say yes, you will have to call and take it forward. Beyond this, we have no responsibility.
Overall, I find that the whole thing is a farce. The relationship manager speaks to you like your mother in law, whereas the earlier marketing lady spoke like a fiancee. There is so much difference in the way they speak. The profiles they send are so bad, that I have asked her to stop searching. This was supposed to be for members who do not have time. But this takes up too much time and headache to try to make the matrimony people understand your requirements. It is much better that you search all the profiles yourself, select the lady, and call.
Right now, I select the profiles, send it to relationship manager, she talks to the ladies family, and then comes questions- why you didnt speak to her? We will use your photograph when you are married, etc. I feel it is a waste of time and effort, and there is no link between the promises made initially and what is delivered later.