#Bharatmatrimony, while putting up posts featuring celebrities might make your portal seem cool, our family has had the worst experience of our life with your Assisted matrimony service.
We were not only cheated of our hard earned money by 2 of your sales reps, but your customer service department also did not bother to investigate our written complaint.
The experience has caused us so much mental agony and feeling of being cheated big time, that we just might have to take the matter to court.
We have enough evidence to prove that we were given absolutely unprofessional treatment by your sales team Saurabh Arora and Heena Praveen, and also lied to and cheated by them.
Sad to say that Bharatmatrimony has to resort to lying and cheating to make profits for the company. #Kingofunethicalbehavior #Bharatmatrimony.