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Bharti Cellular Mobile Operator
Jun 05, 2009 09:21 PM, 3000 Views

HiFriends a few months back Ihadwritten a review about Airtel. I hadwrittenthat before coming to Canada I had sent a message **to 121 Airtel that I shall be leaving India onDec 8th, 2008 and likely to be abroad for 6 months. As such mycell number be suspended so that I maintain the same number after my return from Canada. There were discussionswith the Executives at their Customer Cafre Head Office. They sai that the number can not be kept suspended formore tha 3 months andthat they shall charge for the period fter three months. They also advised me to tell the deler.


I met the dealer. Deposited Rs 200/-with him because I thought that my bill would not run over Rs 300/ .RS 100/-WERE ALREADY DEPOSITED .aFTER DEPOSTING THE AMOUNT I SKEDTHE DEALER TO CLOSE MY ACCOUNT. hESAID THAT YOU COME ABOUT 2/3 DAYS BEFORE GOING. I WENT THERE ON 4TH/ 5TH dECEMBER, 2008 AS MY FLIGHT WAS FOR 8TH dEC.aND I WAS REQUIRED TO LEAVE lUDHIANA BY 7TH AT THE LATEST.whenI visited the dealer on 5th December he told to come on the 8th. I talked with Customer Care Executive andtold him that the dealer was not willing to close my case andwas harassing me. They said you send somebody to make final payment. My bill cyle ends on 10th of every month. I left instructions with my sonto receive their bill and make uptodate payment. The bill for billing cycle of 11th to 10th are generated after 11th and all bills are normally dated 12th whether printed earlier or later thn 12thof a month. These bills sre delivered between 18th to 21st and payment date is 30th of each month.

After receipt of my bill myson went to the dealer but his establishment was found closed for many days but my son had deposited Rs 5oo/- as a precautionary measure. He did not know that I had deposited Rs 200/ with the dealer.Since he had already deposited Rs 500/- before receipt of the actual bill after 18th he was releived to find that the payment wasalready in excess of the biled l amount. He tookno further action.

M/S BhartiAirtel Ltd sent a notice Dated April 7, 2009 stating that a total amountof Rs. 753.6 was outstanding against me and that this amount must bepaid with in 7 days and betreated as last AND FINAL REMINDER.The letterfurther said"it is reiterated thst please treat this letter as the last intimation before initiating mormal collection proceedings for recovery of outstanding dues, as per due process of law."

My son without consulting me depostied an amount of Rs. 750/- on April 20, 2009.

I returned to India on June 2nd 2009 andI was astonished to find a SMS from 121 greeting me on my arrival in INDIA. I was feeling thankful that Airtel has acceded to my request. But my dreams were soon shattered when today morning I saw the SMS from 121 to make paymentof Rs 124/to ensure continuation of service. I enquird of my son who told me that he has already made the payment.

I then made aSMS to 121 to send me details of the payments received by them since I left India. They gave the three last payments as

  1. 20-April-09 - 750/-

  2. 15-Dec-o8 -500/

  3. 27-Nov-08 - 100/- There is nomentionof theRs. 200/- paid by me to theDealer whio has closed his shop. and the payment of the last bill of Rs. 124/-

Upon receipt of the above information I contacted CUSTOMER CARE EXECUTIVE at Mohalli office and told him/her That, before leaving India, I had already sent SMS to 121 which reads as " Please keep this number safe for three months w.e.f Jan 10th .as I m going abroad. I will not pay for your bills after JAN. 10th. O.P.Varma".Andhad discussed wit CUSTOMER CARE EXECUTIVE.

I also told CCO that you are asking me topay Rs.124? while you have already charged extrafrom me for the three months and that amount should be reimbursed and adjusted against my bills, if any. I alsotold her that as for theperiodafter three months I am not to pay for CLIP(Caller Identification Charges) ofRs.25/-PM as I havenot used the mobileservces andonly basicrentas per Bill Planbe charged. Shetold methat thehave not preparedthefirstthree bills for Jan, Feb and March 2009 and Bill for April onwards being charged.I told her thatas per their ownstatement Rs.750/- has been received by them on April20, 2009 and the balance of Rs.500/-paid on Dec 15, 2008 waalreadywith them. Thisall is excess payment and must be adjusted .She was trying to tell me that CLIP chargeshas to be paid. I told her "NO, I will notpay" She toldd me to remain on-linend she will let me know afterconsulting hersenior officer. Then I again rang up CCO .This time another Ladyattended me .I yoldher the same story but She did not admit even about receing my SMS or talks withany CCO and disconnected. ThenanotherCCo and when my request was notgranted I told them to disconnect my services. I wa told to give application to a dealer.Itold them thtI have already toldthem and thatI shall not makeany payments till my excess amountsarec adjusted.

After thattheyasked meifI wassatisfied with theirservices. I said"No".

Thusyou can see that Airtel servicesarecheatingin payments. I had lready hinted inmy FirstAIRTEL REVIEW that I shall berequired to have anotherr fight on my hands after my return

to India.

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