Hi Friends
Airtel Has Launched the GPRS and MMS services in Maharashtra. They claimed that I will get a download speed of 10-15 KBPs if I connect it to my PC.
Finally I opted for the scheme from the day one I could not use WAP on my phone as the GPRS wont connect.
Thousands of calls and one month later they came to deduce that the tower near my place had some faulty GPRS hardware. They rectified the problem finally after 2 months I could connect my PC Via GPRS to the net. (In the meantime I stopped all there bills as there was no service and I was not using the connection for any other thing else).
The first thing I tried downloading from various web sites like Rediff.com, download.com, sharekhan.com, etc.... and the average speed I got was 1-2 KBPs which was far less than they claimed when I asked why the speed is so bad the reply was The Service is under testing The only question I could ask was how can u raise a bill when I am helping you to test your services.
Finally I asked them to disconnect my phone and asked for a full waiver of the bill and the cost of the SIM as I was not satisfied by there services of GPRS and tried to use it for voice calls but there ER(Trademark) network was always conjusted (Dont know where ER fits here)
After 3 Months of Letter baji I got a letter of appology from Airtel and complete waiver of rental (still they did not refund me for the SIM) I thought the issue was closed then another 3 months I get a call from Airtel (on my land line) that there was a bill of Rs. 1, 800/= pending on my name.
Shocked as any one would be. I asked the caller for his name which he did not devulge, he asked me to pay the bill by tommorow morning or face dire consiquences tere ghar aa ke teri taange tod dunga even after telling that I have got a waiver.
Please be prepaired for this type customer support.
I gave a police complaint stating the the phone number from which the call was originated (Thanks to caller ID at my place) a case in the consumer court and a complaint to Airtel office. Still waiting for a reply from all the three quarters.