Do you want to play in water, want to be not reachable by outer world. Want a bit of exercise as trekking and relaaax amidst the serene nature? Would you prefer some wild animal too? I am sure most of the answers will be ‘Oh Yes’. Even my requirement was the same. At the same time I was particular for ‘not traveling much’ for my one day trip.
After much googling, exploring MS and long conversations with friends – closed on Bheemeshwari, on Cauvery river bed.
The place is about 100 km away from city. Started driving through Kanakpura Road from B’luru early morning. Stopped on the way for breakfast and enjoyed the village Dharshini’s ‘tattey idli’ with coconut chutney. Had real fun during last one hour drive - the road became narrower and road condition also deteriorated. Earned hands-on for shepherd’s role, trust me with a stick in hand and singing the typical ‘ttttttt tttttt’ song – I enjoyed it to the core.
It was about 3.5 journey and reached Cauvery Fishing Camp at Bheemeshwari, on the left hand side of the road. Had a brief look around, the camp is covered with big green trees and on the contrary the other side of the road having less trees and lacking green. Went to the office at entrance to confirm our presence, noticed they do have a small shop attached. Rushed for the welcome drink and noticed the long queue there. They are serving tea/coffee along with nimboo paani to quench visitors thirst. As it was hot – I stood in nimboo paani line. Thought of having a brisk round walk the place. The hammock under the big trees constrained me doing so. Felt like taking a small nap but our guide is already here to take us for the trekking. Walk through the stony patch – needs to be extra careful. Saw one ‘airavatha’ - did few click click.
Crossed the road & got to see out destination, the small hill. With the scorching Suraj mama over head it was tough to climb at-a-stretch. Took help from glucon-D and water. Reached the watch tower and within a moment forgot all the heat n scratched got on the way. The cool breeze and the serene view of Cauvery River made me to sing ‘Take my breath away’. Preferred to stand and enjoy the view. Soon there is a call form folks, ‘we shall not get enough time to enjoy the water, if stay here for long’, so had to come down. Started walking towards the water, the guide warned us not venture into water without he being around. Noticed various placards stating about whirlpool and other danger like crocodile etc. They had even put the statistics year-wise. Remembered the official mail stating sad demise of two of the employees at the same place. Hah! Life is other name of adventure – ran to catch with other members. The moment a safe place was indicated to be into the water, somehow managed to remove my shoes & socks. Chhhpppp … jumped into water … Who carez about the dangers. The letter ‘D’ and the word ‘Danger’ was missing from my dictionary for sometime. But then the ‘Chuha-Billis’ inside my stomach made me realized it’s been hours since I gulped those cute idlis. Time to get up from water and walk back towards the camp for lunch. The eating area is at the other end of the camp. Had to wait as people had already taken first round sit to keep their ‘Chuha-Billis’ kool. Food was okay [who would expect home made quality/taste when hungry like a pig]. They serve non-veg too. I would like to add an ‘one-liner’ to keep expectation low on the food part, as it was not up-to the mark.
Finished food and was thinking which hammock to attack suddenly a noise caught my attention. Oh, it’s a herd of wild elephants on the other side of the river. Thanked God for not giving elephants the ‘flying apparatus’. Came back and honored my self on a hammock. Let me now see what’s around. It is all tents this side covered with greenery. Little far are the log houses. During lunch noticed they have AC too. Was planning to take-off from my schedule soon and book myself here for 2 days package. A bit of running around and went for the coracle ride. Noticed a big group getting ready for river rafting. Well, this time I need to be happy with coracle boat ride. We were provided pink colored life jackets. Started our journey and this time also with a list of ‘DOs and DON’Ts’. Had a fun-filled ride and back to the end point. Oh, this indicates our stay here is almost done. Came back by road to the main camp… some more freaking around… Evening tea is served [right way to say ‘get lost’]. Went into Jungle Lodges small Shop attached. Things are over-priced, picked up couple of ceramic mugs with various animals photo printed on them.
Packed our bags, slowly got into the car … Leaned on seat to say good bye to Bheemeshwari Fishing Camp with a desire deep inside to come back and spend more time.
The entire day had gone in a brisk, didn’t sneeze a single time, my mobile didn’t ring at all during the entire stay! I have the feeling of extreme happiness inside, my soul is full of fresh energy, enjoying in water like a small child made me nostalgic [remembered granny’s place], birds’ coo gave a strong feeling of freedom. Also, had a learning during the day ‘It is the easiest thing in the World to look at something, to share at it and yet not see at all’ ….
Don’t miss taking a virtual stroll…
Much info available at