BHIM is a recently launched UPI App by india goverment to drive the cashless transaction to all. BHIM app is developed by NPCI to encourage Cashless transaction to all . This app concept is same other UPI app which is already there in market. This app support all indian Bank account throug which you can send , requeat money to any one who registered for this BHIM app apart from that you can send a amount to a non registered bank account holder by just adding account number and IFSC code. It has a unique feature like Barcode payment and in future Adhar based payment feature will be included in this app means by just typing Adhar Number you can do a transaction with any one safely. Layout and design of app is made very simple so that each and every one can use it without any strugle, in Future hopeing many good feature and update going to come to make it more user friendly. Security wise also many point is kept in mind while building this app. It works only when your ragistred mobile number sim is in your phone. If sim is removed it wont work this is to avoid security breach in some circumstances. Hope this app will become a good platform to go cashless in coming days.