BHIM ( Bharat Interface for Money) is an App developed by the Indian Government to carry out bank transactions such as money transfer from one account to another without going to the bank. The app is interfaced with most of the banks available in India. It uses UPI ( Unified Payment Interface) , a system developed for handling multiple bank accounts at a single go. To login to BHIM app you must verify your phone number and using the information the app shows you your bank accounts connected to the mobile number. User is asked to create a UPI PIN which is a six digit password for the protection of the transactions and also before you open app a password or PIN is asked to setup so that using that password you can enter the app. The security is most important on the app. The transactions can be done using mobile number, account number or scaning a QR code that is unique to every user. The transaction gets easy as it can and its a must have app