Bhimashankar is at a height of 3250 feet. Karjat is the nearest station from which bus for Khandas can be caught (1st bus is at 10:00 a.m.). The 11/2 hour journey (approximately 40 Km.) will take you to Khandas. The summit could be embraced either by Ganesh Ghat or Shidi Ghat which is a bit tough, but very much enjoyable. Going through to the dense forest will take you to the top in around 4 hrs.
Bhimashankar as mentioned earlier is a famous pilgrimage spot, one can visit Lord Shivas temple at the top. Also dont forget to go to Nagphani.
Trek Bhimashakar
Type Pilgrimage
District Pune
Height above mean sea level 3296 feet
Base Village Khandas
Minimum Duration 2 Days
Region Karjat
Transport Go to Karjat by train or S.T. from Karjat catch a bus for Khandas Karjat Khandas distance is about 40 km.
Time to reach the top About 4 - 4 ½ hrs from Khandas
Water Availability Water is available in Bhimashankar village
Best season to visit Except summer, any time
Sights to visit Nagphani, Shiv temple
A bit tough via shidi ghat, but simple via Ganesh ghat
Shelter Available in village Bhimashankar