Well it was not a planned movie to watch but when my nainital trip got cancelled so I decide to go and watch bhindi bazaar.I had one option i.e. Bheja fry2.Well wasnt in a mood to watch a comdey flick so watched bb instead.
Its a bout a place called bhindi bazaar in Mumbai where everyone wants to become a MAMU.Well the movie starts a guy riding a yamaha rx 100 on the roads of mumbait.Mamu is so called the king of bhindi bazaar and no one can go against him.There is a gang which works under the mamu.One of guys plots and gets the mamu killed.One of the other members whoz name I remeber(tabrez urf tez) plots and decides to kill the second mamu who is his friend.Finally he succeds in getting his friend killed.
At the end tez also dies which is a lso plooted by KAy Kay Menon.
The best part of this movie is that the events unfold time to time.I would suggest everyone not go with family or gf coz slang is used exntensivley.I went with my friends and we throrughly njoyed this movie.
I have not written the story its just a summary of what I saw.So go and watch Bhindi bazaar and let me know how did u find the movie?!