I got a flat in Vista Lagos a year back. The builder seemed to be a good guy still is. He is pretty reachable, listens to your concern and is mostly helpful. However had to buy extra money for OC which was not communicated while purchasing the apartment. The apartment is equipped with premium products but having said that there are issues which I do not know whom to reach and get it fixed.
Frequent electrical failure which increases the maintenance cost significantly. This is something not taken with the builder but bescom says its due to increased load which existing equipments are not able to handle
Kaveri water is pending from the builder
Cracks on interior walls - fixed multiple time by the builder but keeps showing again. I guess the workers are not good. The hair line cracks are there in pretty much all the rooms
Dampness on walls in all rooms from water in terrace - Again fixed multiple times by buider but no result
Big cracks in exterior walls - Sad to see such cracks in new apartment - Builder has agreed long back but not yet fixed it
Black patches on all Jaguar fittings.This is for all residents not sure of the cause. Builder did a cleanup 2 times but patch are reappearing.
Some snaps of leakages and cracks in apartment at the below link
Hopefully things would be better in the future