Seen The Sixth Sense????? Seen Exorsist?????? Well the Ramu version of the scary movie scores a little over these block-busters, not for the ghosts these movies potray but for the scarier part of it. Ramu is capable of running down a chill down your spine. For this is one movie which keeps you frightened all the time and that too without a real ghost.
The screenplay and presentation is truely of the international standards. The only thing that bugs about this film is that the director concentrates too much of the scary part rather than the story-line part, which the two Hollywood blockbusters score very well. Overall the performance by all the actors is exceptional.The scariest part is the scene where the watchman is murdered.Everybody expects that something would happen to the watchman, but when one actually gets to know what happens with is left gasping. A must see in theatres only in the theatres.