Really entertaining childrens movies in my opinion are very rare especially in the hindi film industry.TZP was a great movie but it wasnt exactly a childrens movie, it was a movie about children, about the difficulties they face while growing up. In hollywood such movies are major attractions such as the Narnia series, the Harry potter series, Eragon which attracts the young and old alike. After watching Bhoothnath I feel it has all the right ingredients to become a cult series among Indians if the present standard is met and further improved.
The movie is a sweet simple tale about a little boy and his family moving into a haunted haveli and his subsequent frienship with the resident ghost. And behind every revengeful bhooth is a sad history.the movie can be divided into 3 sections- the first part is creepy, the middle part is all fun and masti and the the later part, emotional. For a first time director vivek has done a superb job- less razzmatzz and more on quality. The publicity posters remind me so much of Harry Potter. But the strength of this movie lies in its charaterization and superb starcast.
It has a really iconic hero and sidekick combination- Bhootnath and Banku. Their adorable combination really bring about smiles and giggles whenever they come on screen, whether they are fighting or dancing or just hanging out. Amitabhji really brings about a pathos to his role as the much magligned bhooth living in the deserted haveli and when he meets banku he literally comes alive, he has a reason to smile again. For Aman, its a great role with huge potential to get really big and to really grow as a character and as an actor.
Bankus parents are just perfect for their roles. juhis and srks chemistry is just mindblowing and they bring a lot of sweetness and goodness to their roles. Its nice to see SRK doing something not over the top and flashy which has become so common for him nowadays. In this role he is just a regular father that goes to work, plays with his kid and jokes with his wife.His restrained performance and stylish wardrobe gives him extra points.
I like the concept that mums can also be lazy and just wanna watch tv all day.Hindi movie mums are always self sacrificing, sugary sweet and they never complain. Juhi brings about a new defination to the word on screen mum- shes lazy, she hates cooking, watches tv and sleeps later than her kid. Its refreshingly different. With her husband gone for months, her son becomes her support and best friend. And I hope she keeps on singing in all her subsequent movies cos shes really good. Her punjabi suits and flowly skirts are a great combination to her carefree attitude.(i miss her off shoulder blouses and flowy skirts in her earlier movies- she looked yummy in those.)
I wish they had used rajpal yadav more in the course of the movie. His character and subsequent interaction with juhi is simply hilarious.I just hope there will be greater scope for him in the course of the sequel.Satish shah is hilarious as the tiffin eater and cartoonish principal.
The special affects deserve special mention, they gel well with proceedings and hopefully will get better with the next film. The music coming especially from vishal shekhar is a letdown. They are my favourite music directors and I have been a fan ever since jhankaar beats but this time they are just mediocre. Hopefully the music gets more rocking, maybe a little folksy in the next flick.
This charming entertainer will keeps kids and families definately laughing and crying in the aisles. Its a perfect blend of humour, emotion and great acting. hopefully it does well enough to warrant a sequel and eventually a series.It definately has the scope and potential to become indias first fantasy series.Cheers!