Well its a nice site, its got great products, and it seems to be pretty well geared up to provide almost all the basic essentials to complete an auction online. But it still is just a glorified advertisement hoarding.
Most of the auctions (Above 80%) are never completed, despite all follow-ups, the auctions are still left in half baked conditions at the end of the day. I won something like 5 auctions on that site, till date only one of them has been completed. Despite my sending emails to the parties confirming my bids, I never received any replies from their side simply because the products had no reserve price and I was able to win them very cheaply. The seller then back off and decided to ignore the entire deal. The site sends you a message that if within 48hrs of the bid getting over if you do not confirm your willingness to accept the outcome, the auction would be cancelled, there seems to be a similar deadline for sellers as well who can back off if they dont like the price. So there is no guarantee that any auction would get completed.
Further, the prices quoted for most of the products are exaggerated by 30-40% of the MRP atleast so that even if they are sold below the advertised price, the seller can make a decent sum. BUYER beware goes for these auctions as well. Take for example the case of books being auctioned, the price would be advertised for the hardcover version, when they are actually selling the paperback. Incase of phones, the photograph of the model displayed would be different from the one actually up for sale.
All these things really ruin the potential of a good site.