This is to bring to the notice of General Public never to go for any online ordering through BigBazar. They have the worst services and their representatives false promises of product delivery through their nose. I had ordered a Product through their portal on 25th of this month, a call to one of their representative confirmed me that the product will be delivered in 3 working days. The worst is their customer care number which never connects ( Not a toll free one too) . The first call in most of the cases is often routed to a so called complaint cell which takes another 15 to 20 minutes to connect, finally when some operator turns up he is often blank to answer to our queries which further alienates to the same old promises.
My question to Big Bazar is why to make false promises to their customers when you cant stand by the same. Secondly when will you revamp your customer care service which is feel is totally useless. Hope the same will not fall in to def years. Mentioning about the ambiance I had a horrible time when I paid my last visit to the one present in Ameerpet starting with the security check , Big Bazar must train their Security personnels to be soft and amicable to their Customers, I had paid a visit to their store in Ameerpet for shopping and was stopped abruptly by their Security officials even upon clearing all the bills ( a reason they know better ) and personnel present around was really harsh.
Hope Big Bazar do something about their store present in Ameerpet to retain their customers from visiting them again.