I had been to the star sitara saloon in Katharguppe Big Bazaar in Bangalore. I would never recommend anybody to visit that saloon. It is sheer nonsense. I just wanted to have a basic hair cut, to be frank it was very basic. I guess people in the prehistoric era would have had a better hair cut. The feeling was horrible. What was to follow was even horrible. They charged me 79 bucks for that stupid hair cut. I had to literally fight with them to convince I wanted a basic hair cut which was for Rs 39. Even that is too costly. The guy could not explain why he wanted to charge me 79 bucks. Please stay away from this Saloon if you value your hard earned money. The next door barber is far far better than these big corporate types. The looks of the saloon is very mis leading. Neither they are trained nor they are professionals. I have never seen good ethics in Big Bazaar no matter what it is. It is such a crap supermarket that people still flock to go there. The billing queues gives nightmares and the service is rock bottom. The quality of the products sold here are also very bad.
hate big bazaar. Probably food world and other shops are better.