First time when they erred I excused them. Second time I was still foolish to believe it was an error. Now, since it happens to me everytime, I must caution the general public to be extremely cautious of Big Baazars dirty billing habits.
Please check the billing for each product before making the payment, each time you buy from B Baazar.
Most of their unethical practices are in the form of discounts. They announce various discounts on different products but these discounts do not appear on billing at all and you end up paying the already jacked up full price. When you highlight these errors on the bill, the billing counter guys pretend nicely as if it was a rarest of rare case!. If you have already made the payment, you need to run behind them for 30-45 minutes to get the robbed money back.
My most disgusting experience was when a Rs.30 CD was billed for Rs.590 and I had to run behind them for almost an hours to get the loot back.
So, please check the items one by one for the price(especially for the discount they offered) even if you have bought cart full of items, before making the payment.