Big Bazar Announced “Sabse Sasta Tin Din” on January 26th-28th, 2007. On the second day I went to the Old Madras Road, Bangalore branch and purchased different items from different floor. When I came down to the ground floor for billing, I found the bill person don’t know about the offer which are displaying on the other floors. He also searched his computer but few offers were missing. So he suggests me to go to that particular floor for billing where the missing offers are displaying. As this offer was not included to the system the next bill guy didn’t gave any entry for free items.
Normally they enter the item and make it 100% free. Another thing I have noticed that they are having a list of all the offers which appears in a particular button press. When they select a particular offer, system scans full bill and deduct the amount as per offer. Until you remind them for the offer they will not enable that option and you will avail only the regular discount.
I surprised why the sales persons wants to cheat customers. I found they did this cheating when anybody purchases more than 10-12 items. Big Bazar is no doubt become a rush area during such kinds of offers. So you will not get enough time to check the bill before payment. Once you paid and realize that you deserve more discounts, you will not get returned money. Only thing you can purchase other items. This is such a waste of money and time. So be careful while you shop anything on any offer like Diwali, Sabse Sasta Tin Din etc.