Hi all...
I wont recommend any of you to shop with Big Bazaar...if you are looking for an easy shopping of gud quality items with low cost, spacious surroundings, atleast a way to walk through the shopping mall (most of the time it will be full of crowd, it will take 5 min to walk 10 meters..really), easy billing..etc..etc...(u can fill the list with any gud thing u feel abt a gud shopping)
I will explain one of my experiences that I faced 2 weeks before...I went to Big Bazaar with my spouse...to get inside we wait inside a queue..for 5 min...som how we managed to get inside...its fully crowded...no space to move around...can, t read the labels written abt where to go for which items...most difficult part was that somebody is announcing about the offers in big bazaar with full volume..like in a local market..."IF YOU BUY ANY ITEM, YOU WILL GET ONE ABSOLUTELY FREE"...already we r feeling discomfort...this will add on to it...but dont worry....more is waiting for you...
What I feels abt this buy 2 get 1 free offer is like, the price you are paying for the 2 is more than for the total 3 items you are getting...they are of very poor quality...I bought 2 shirts each worth around Rs. 650/ and I took one more shirt worth Rs. 600/ "ABSOLUTELY FREE" ..But..sadly..after the first wash...the shirts became like gud for nothing...the same is the case with all the dress materials I bought from Big Bazzar...Now I decided...dont buy dress items from this Bada Bazaar...go only for branded items...
One more thing..the saem day I bought a mixie...initially I thought of buying som branded companies mixie..but the advertisement through the microphone is keep on saying..."MIXIES FOR Rs. 750.."..(actual price is Rs. 1500 and 50% reduction they offered and I became one of the prey for it..) without checking for more details about the brand..I went for it....after using it for only 2 days..I payed the price..it stops working...now I have to spent more money to get it repaired...but I decided not to invest more money on it...go for some branded products...my advice to you all is that..dont fall the prey to any of these offers from Big Bazaar...they r all like taking advantage of our weakness towards reduction sale..
Its not gud to mention the only gud thing I recieved taht day from Big Bazzar..I purchased for more than Rs. 5000/ the same day..and there was an offer..if I can pay Rs.1/ I will get 5 Kgs of sugar...I just payed 1 rupee and got the Big Offer..5 Kgs of sugar..for all the discomforts I faced....how nice is Big Bazaar..rt..???
So..be careful..when you go for your next shopping...
Wishing you all a happy shopping...bye...