Not sure how many of you have really been to the Big Bazaar store in Fatima Nagar-Pune, coz I wasnt able to find any reviews pertaining to this one, Anyway, I guess I have had enough and now its high time to jot down my experience here for all you readers to go through and be aware.....
Well, lets forget how pathetic my past experiences has been here, as if I go on with covering em, it would take forever finish writing my review. So I would only like to write about my utter disgusting exp today @ Big Bazaar, Pune-Fatima Nagar.....
As soon as I entered the store I went to grab my favourite chocolate but the lady standing there said the drawer (where the chocs were kept) was locked and the person who has the keys is gone out, which was really sounding absurd, as whoever the person was should have handed over the keys to someone prior leaving, it left me aghast.
Anyway, I thought of covering my shopping list and come to check the counter later. When I returned back, the drawer was still locked and on asking the lady again stupidly Faizabad the same thing, I asked her to give him a call and ask him to handover the keys to someone, but she wasnt really capable of understanding or never wanted to understand whatever the reason was, I had to call upon the manger who was really very cool as if nothing has happened, and it was my duty to keep waiting forever for those stupid keys! he never spoke with me but went inside a room and to my utter surprise came out with the keys and handed over to the lady! I mean, you can understand how I must have felt!, here I am shouting and waiting for the lady to arrange the keys and the keys are with the mAnasultanger who was well on the same floor and listening to everything until I raised an alarm , he wasnt moved by my requests with the lady or whatsoever!.....
after this, I go for the billing (where, as usual only one counter is functional and rest others CLOSED!)and there I am told that an insect repellent that I wanted to buy, the price of that product is not updated in the system so I cant buy it!, I was already fumed up because of the prev exp and so when I yelled at her tht it was her issue that the cost is not updated, how could she tell me that I cant buy it and then come to the store all over again for that one thing? I was made to wait for at least 30 mins before they updated the system with the product cost and I could finally head home.
PHEW! this BIG BAZAAR is nothing but a HAPHAZARD shop!..... only if you have loads of patience can you really shop here, or else its nothing less than a MAD HOUSE.
Thanks for taking time to read this and hope it helps you to be prepared for what awaits you here :) or maybe make other better shopping choices.