In this particular review I would be talking about Big Bazaar at Mulund, R Mall.
Living in Mulund for most of my life I had not expected the luxuries of Big Bazar ever. Though having been to the US I have seen what super markets like Shoprite, Walmart, Dominics, etc are like and thats what separates them with the lesser players like Big Bazaar (BB).
I recollect an unfortunate event which happened a few months back at BB. I had been to R Mall for a movie with my wife. As usual I had reached early and hence my wife seized the opportunity to buy few things she needed from BB. On entering BB from the third level, we were greeted with an alarm sound. Being a fire fighting consultant I instantly recognized the gong as the fire alarm. I was shocked to find out that the security personnel deputed were actually trying to somehow stop the fire alarm and fire alarms are not supposed to just go off with no reason. I was sure that there was a fire somewhere, so I made my way to the exit which was already crowded and many ppl were leaving their shopping carts in the way and trying to exit. The security was so selfish that to avoid shop-lifting they closed the exit doors. Imagine, having a fire somewhere in the store and closing the exit doors. Several people like me lost their cool on this and threatened to break the glass door if not opened, that is when the security let us out. I whisked my wife away at a safe distance to find that within few minutes the whole mall was full of smoke. None of the authorities of BB were taking any action to pacify the fire and control the crowd. Really selfish. It was when the fire department took over, the fire came under control, which had started somewhere on the ground level in the electronics department.
Also there have been incidents when the security has roughed many people for little reasons. I remember this one very well that the security beat this youth so much for shop-lifting that he almost died (or did he actually die, I do not remember that very well). In one incident a gentleman had to leave his laptop with the security only to return and be told that he had left nothing. And this is one really funny event, there was a lady who had bought a purse from BB and returned the next day for shopping grocery, while leaving, the security alarm started ringing. The security pounced on her and took her to the store manager. It was found out that there was some label which was stuck in the purse which had not been taken off after the sale the previous day and hence indicating that the purse was stolen. Luckily, she had the bill for the purse with her and survived. Why do these security chaps who are usually UP ka bhaiyas treat us Mumbaikars like theives at BB?
And here is the biggest of all, my wife and mom had been to BB for grocery and certain other things. There were presented with a bill of Rs. 1000 odd, usually monthly grocery bills reach that amount so they left thinking that the other person had bought something of that amount. On reaching home, they checked the bill to find out that 6 lemons, I repeat 6 lemons, were charged Rs. 936, then they went to the store to create a hullah about this. The store manager promised to return the money and even bribed them with gift vouchers to which they agreed and returned the faulty bill which he instantly discarded.
Also products co-branded by BB are usually inferior quality, of course at the price at which they sell you cant ask for more. ’’Isse sasta aur accha kahin nahin’’ is the catch.
Now the next time, u go to BB check what u buy and check the bill before u leave, be careful for yourself coz they dont care about u, and check your pockets in case theres nothing inside accidentally. Take my advice go to ur local Kiranawalla he’ll treat u better, still u need a superstore go to Shoprite