Hi im nagesh.Im 22 yrs.i got my salary at the end of last month april and it happened for me to go for the shopping.The very first thought came in my mind was to go to the big bazaar in mulund.
It was in the evening, I was in big bazaar and I decided to buy a jeans.
I got 1, I liked it .That was buffalo jeans, size 30" waist.I got that for trial.
In the trial room when I had a look at it, to my dissappointment what I found was wrinkles on the inner side of the pocket cloth, the brand badge at the back was rubbed.But the worst of all was it was stinking badly and there were stains .
I was so disappointed that at that very moment I left the mall.
Well I have great respect for Mr. Kishore Biyani. and im fan of him.
but this is my sincere request to him that please take care of the products in the big bazaar, since this is the second instance when I had a very bad experience of the used products from big bazaar.
Thank You.