I have been purchasing all kind of products from departmental stores like foodworld, big bazar etc. I Often think that these stores have changed our lives so much that now for every small thing we will run to these stores and buy it.
Since These stores are playing such a vital role in changing our lives , our thinking then why shouldnt the owners of these store initiate a noble drive like not using polyethene bags for groceries and vegetables.
Ihope I need not to explain all the bad things about polyethene because I feel you guys must be educated enough to understand this. :)
Have You ever think of how you people are compelling a common man to take these polyethene bags with them for each n every single vegetable!!!!If you are paying good salary to your strategy planners or managers then why to go for conventional method of carrying veggies, ask them to put their brain on work and come up with something innovative which can help our coming generations to survive in this world too!!!
These Drives like Earth Hour n all are very high level campaign, first we need to start from ourselves, need to change our basic habits and need to work to prevent the global warming monster! And I want you to help us(common man) to help ourselves. I am hoping to get a better alternatives next time I visit these stores.