Though Shilpa has won “Big Brother” she has brought a “Big Shame” to India. Her victory is not a matter to be proud of. She has actually put the Indians in a bad light on the world stage. The two faces of Shilpa came to the fore. One, of a servile and helpless woman who endured abuse without any qualms and fightback. And two, of a manipulative and mercenary woman who does anything for money at the cost of her dignity. With such behaviour on the show what kind of message has she given to thousands of women who are being abused daily and for young women who wants to be successful.
That women should continue enduring abuse meekly and young women should pursue success at the cost of their own and nations dignity. I am proud of those millions who took up the issue of racism and reacted strongly. And I am proud of that Gujarat businessman who incurred heavy loss by refusing to sell / market Jade Goodies perfume "Shh..". But I would feel more proud in future if all these people react in the same way when a common man is racially abused.
It was surprising and disgusting that in spite of all the support she got, Shilpa did nothing about the abuse. No complaint. No rebuke. Only hugging Goodie and forgiving her. How did Shilpa fight it out? By crying? By hugging the abuser? Retracting her statement? By doing nothing about the abuse? Not even complaining about it. Wheres the fight back? This is the problem with Indian women. They dont fight back. Hence millions of abusive husbands continue to harass their wives everyday. We are not living in 20s, its 2007, and India is going places. I would have admired if Shilpa had given a fitting riposte to Goodie in a strong manner. Yes it was in our interest that she remained dignified and continued in the show but not as a weak & submissive woman but as a strong woman.
Everyone is praising about her dignified behaviour. Is "crying" and enduring abuse a dignified behaviour? If at all, the meek submission by Shilpa has made Indians looked servile once again. The British did it to us before Independence and they are doing it even now. Suppose a woman is being raped or abused on the street. So should she remain dignified and not do anything to save herself? Shilpa has shamed the brave Indians. But then, when there are 3 crores involved who wouldnt sell her soul and dignity. Theres no point in millions complaining when Shilpa herself did not complain against the abuse (not racial abuse, which she was not aware about).
Everyone said that how can Shilpa react when she was not even aware of the racial abuse as those remarks were made behind her back. But all these meek excuses have fallen flat after Shilpa’s statement after winning the show that she has forgiven the racists. Therefore, it is crystal clear that even if Shilpa had known about the racial abuse she would still have not done anything about it. After all, she was there for money and she was not letting go such a huge amount just because of racism. Shilpa should not have accepted the remarks against her country on foreign channels. She should have quit or reacted strongly.
There was no other way. I detest anyone insulting the Indians anywhere. So there is no way I am justifying what the contestants have done to Shilpa. But I am only disappointed with her servile and selfish attitude. I dont have sympathies for weak and submissive persons no matter who they are. I can understand about the common man if he suffers abuse and continue with his well paid job. After all he has responsibilities and cannot afford to let go the much needed money.
But if rich and powerful personalities like Shilpa Shetty succumb to abuse and do nothing then they deserve the hell not sympathies. Why werent we equally angry on the Big Boss participants who harassed and abused Rakhi Samant just like we were all angry on Shilpa getting abused by a foreigner? Finally, Jade Goodie has done to Shilpa what Ashs PR could not do it even in five years. Jade has made Shilpa richer and a household name in UK and a famous personality in UK in just two days. So Shilpa has to thank Jade for that.