Hi viewers and reviewers. Have any one thought that multiplexes and cinema malls empty our pockets before we walk out the mall. Did any one his / her faced the problem like this? I know every one who is reading faces the same problem. whenever I go to a movie I used to book the ticket before a day or two. when ever I walk in to these big cinemas movie mall I was been checked by a lady inspector and then my bag was checked. if I had any food items in that they used to keep those items which they will return those items when we return back after movie. okay! fair enough. they are doing this for security reasons. I will agree for this.
But experience is really worse that I would like share. when we got down from taxi at big cinemas in Hyderabad I found a ice cream cart at the down floor in big cinemas and thought to eat after entering the cinemas mall. movies were playing on 1st floor. before i m entering the mall, the security near the gate stopped me. I thought we need to leave our baggage at the counter. but he said that no food inside the mall. My husband said " you have lots of food items inside your mall and I can see every one eating them.
And why dont you allow a single ice cream inside the mall", he said that only mall items are to be allowed not outside items. we said him that we bought this ice cream in down floor of your mall. but he havent listened to us. I was forced to eat my ice cream out side of the mall which I felt really embarrassed and thrown in to dust bin before entering in to the mall. when I entered after some time my husband and me thought to buy same popcorn and a water bottle. we went to the stall and ordered some popcorn. after that we took a "ONE LITER WATER BOTTLE WHICH COSTS 40rs. " I was shocked. why do they charge 40rs to a one liter water bottle? I asked him that "the cost of this water bottle outside of the mall is 18 to 20 rs and why do you sell that for double rate." he simply said " VAT and TAX." I dont have words to tell him. people around me didnt even responded. they were just acting like they have not listened to this conversation. Viewers and reviewers listen kindly, Thats why the security person didnt allow us to carry our own food so that we can buy their costly foods. please dont support this type of corruption in this big cinemas. Thank you viewers and reviewers.